Because I don’t have enough hobbies and activities to burn all of my spare time, I have started keeping track of tunes folks have sent to me. I am going to blog here when folks tell me, “Hey, listen to this…”
Feel free to check out the entire playlist here…as it grows…
Need to Ponder
This one comes from Dardil in Maryland. It’s ethereal. This is probably a good “fall asleep” tune, but I also note that this track is four hours and forty fucking minutes long. At 10:58, there is a long slow fade to nothing…wondering if I am ready for what’s next.
This feels a lot like one of those hidden instrumentals, on a Tool album.
I love the overdrive on the opening guitar, just a great sound. You can feel the “rawk” before it kicks in. I like this sort of stripped down, just jam it out sort of rock. This one came from a Zach in Maryland.
Great Cover
A simple, great cover. Wow. I stumbled on to this tune, after listening to My Mind by Saco. Spotify suggested this track.
This one got added to my Liked songs. Its chill, delicate, and lots of fun. Great mix, groovey groove. Great tune. This track was sent to me by Paulie B in Ohio.